Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Slowly Come the Holidays

Greetings, Friends!

Our Two Stores in Black Sand Beach are doing Quite Well, we should report, with--and, Well we Know, this will Shock Many of our Faithful Readers--actual Sales.

This can Only be Seen as a Good Thing, for it Encourages Us to Create and Diversify.

second life,fashion,Autogenic Alchemy,Lady Disdain,build

(The foyer of the new Autogenic Alchemy building in Black Sands.)

Autogenic Alchemy has new items for the holidays, and, as of today, so does Lady Disdain.

second life,fashion,Autogenic Alchemy,Lady Disdain,build

(Iinside the small Witch House.)

There will be More to Come! I am Planning at least Three new Dresses before December 25th, and I Plan a small Line of Winter Wear as 2010 Emerges from the Darkness.

In the Meantime, my items can be Found on meta-LIFE, and (my Personal Preference) Apez (though Apez is Somewhat more Tricky; I would suggest Searching by my Given Name), for Shopping when One is Far from the Grid.

Do keep an Eye on our New Stores; we have Great Plans!

Friday, November 27, 2009

The Black Friday

There are few choices for those presented with a possible future. They either embrace it, and step willingly into what it could bring, or they fight against it. Autogenic Alchemy has decided to at least try and change. As such we will likely be giving up our Penzance store, hoping to find another in Caledon. Products will still be released there until we leave, but I do recommend updating your bookmarks to the Black Sands store as soon as you can.

The future however, will still be there tomorrow, it is always forward marching like that. So instead let us turn our eyes to the darkened pages of one Howard Phillips, whose diary I have so recently been lucky enough to study.

~ * ~

Have you heard of Black Friday? The twisted celebration of chaos that drives us all mad...Have you heard the tales, the stories, the truth, the fiction? I can guess you have not, for I do not sense the fear that it so properly deserves. The Noche Obscura, the dark day when sanity is lost, and the veil parts.

I sought not to learn the truth of the Black Friday. I had never truly been the curious sort. I know now that it was never a choice I had to make. Life thrust the reality of itself upon me. And once one has seen it, there is no escaping the memory. It remains vivid and fresh, to the point where I wonder if the life I live now is but a dream I am having as I experience insanity.

I had been walking home that day, counting the cracks on the sidewalk. I did not particularly need to, I had counted them more times then I care to recount now. It was simply something to do, and one never knows when a new crack could form. And as such I walked on, pulling my jacket closer that cold Autumn Friday, cursing the ever closer Winter. I walked until I fell sideways, into a crack I had missed upon the sidewalk.

There was the rustle of fabric across my ears, and I was rather sure the sidewalk had collapsed beneath me. I was so sure in fact I found myself surprised when I realized I was not moving. The revelation of which promptly caused me to trip and see beyond the edge I found myself on.

Deep beneath me, lay a city, or what had once been. Stone ruins that formed an intricate pattern I dare not describe. And at the center was life, a creature I had never before seen. It pulsated in time with the beat of the world, for I noticed now that the horizon was not still. It too moved, breathed one could say, dancing across the ground merrily. It was a twisted vision, that was only smothered by the creature's visual attraction.

I do not mean to say it was attractive, but only that it was a draw. My eyes were torn towards it as I saw it give birth. Eggs lifted from deeper in the creature's form and slid out, rolling across the pulsating flesh to where they lay in a ring around it. I watched in horrid fascination, feeling a curiosity that was surely not my own. This ritual continued and I watched with rapt attention, until I saw the creature's eye. It had fallen upon me, it had seen me. And I could feel myself falling into it, as the Iris continued to fall inwards towards the black pupil.

I scrambled backwards away from the eye, pulling myself up though I had not remembered falling so deep. Reality no longer made sense and dark rock gave way to the ground and sidewalk I had so recently been walking. I laid there breathing, feeling my heart beating against my chest. It was my first brush with what laid beyond the veil, and even as I drew in breath after fevered breath, I knew it would not be my last. For my heart no longer beat as it did, it beat in time with the rhythm of that world I had seen, that fateful Black Friday.

~ Howard Phillips

~ * ~

And as our own Black Friday draws to an end, Autogenic has managed to find these delightful eggs and raised them to an age where they can be properly be taken care of by the public. I do wish you the best this Black Friday, and do keep care for any cracks in the veil.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Beautiful Infestation

As promised, Halloween has brought two new products to our collection. They've been availiable in the new store for a bit and they are now out at the Penzance store in Caledon as well.

Though, I feel I must warn you. These products bring dark tidings with them. An infection that will only spread as the months go on. Perhaps the information we have gleaned from the future will help us now.

~ * ~

I fear what may come this season. I wonder whether the cold that has settled around these late months is something more than just Winter. Thanksgiving has passed and only a few days remain till the larger festivities begin. Today is the day I was presented with the first patient.

I am not a doctor by trade, I will admit, and it came as a shock to me when they arrived at my door. They brought with them a sickly woman with a healthy figure, an attribute I don't deny admiring. A certain sensuality that wrapped one's spine up and stroked down its length. There was no doubt all present noticed the effect, and without knowing what they were doing there I hurried to bring the woman to the lab.

It was an experience to say the least, placing her within the chamber. Her struggles did not reveal any violence, it was more as if she was trying to make love with her captors than kill them. A graceful fluid motion that made her completely bare flesh evident. If it wasn't for the alien looking skin that covered her up at all the appropriate parts, I fear it may have very well been indecent.

As it was, it was intriguing, and she was eventually placed within the chamber. An oxygenated liquid surrounded her and kept her still. She reminded me for a second of a mermaid in an aquarium, as she floated. That image was quickly removed as I walked around her, replaced by the image of a dragonfly holding its victim in thrall.

I had little idea what to make of it all, I still don't. All I know was her care has been placed in my hands. Though I fear she is not the only one infected, that they made sure I understood clearly. The holidays draw near, the cold blankets us all, and today, today I had a glimpse of the future.

~ * ~

Make of this what you will. Truth be told neither I nor the resident Mistress of Time know exactly what year this was written. I believe however that releasing a benign version to the world, along with the technology to further experiment upon it and other Biological wonders will help the future. As always, enjoy.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Falling Ahead

Changes have been in the works for quite a while now within the laboratory of Autogenic Alchemy. Our resident Chronus Magi has been finding snippets from some future or another. None of the recovered information bodes well, but as always, the future is in flux. Unless someone has seen it, in which case it's not, except of course unless you change which fourth dimensional universe you are in. Don't think about it too hard, you may end up spawning some sort of fifth dimensional creature if you do. Really, it's happened.

However, in better news from the present, I'm happy to once again pretend to promise that there will be more updates more often than not. Take that as you will. I am also happy to be able to say that there are at least two new products on the way, and a brand new store on generously donated land to peruse them at.

~ * ~

There is no stopping the ever turning gears of progress. Set into motion in the first second that began the expansion of the universe, all progresses onward. To stagnate, is to die. To reverse, to kill. One merely has the choice of being drawn up by the progress in its wake, or guiding it ahead. For progress is ever onward, and always forward. You can never again be where you were. One learns, one grows, one expands.

I am pleased to be able to announce such an expansion for Autogenic Alchemy. A new store that will hopefully help Autogenic Alchemy be the driving force behind its own progress. Brick for brick designed by the Allen Family, it is an honour to be able to to return to the hallowed halls and show off all that has come since. The mixing of old with the technology of new.

You'll find all of my creations and tinkerings there, and for those that make a visit in the next few days you'll also have a chance to grab the two latest products. The two of which will be officially released in a day or two in Penzance as well. I do hope that you enjoy the new location as much as I do, brick, copper, and glass make its form, but you as always are its spirit.

~ * ~

Two new products, I told you! They should be released hopefully on the eve of Halloween. However, I do accept that not all ever works as planned. Do be sure to visit the new location; perhaps if there is interest the building itself may become one of the newer products.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

That Ole Debbil Rag

Though this journal is well noted for its inconsistent updates, I do hope that we still have Wandering Eyes to peruse new developments at Autogenica.

Though to be fair, this is rather more in the realm of an update to the upstairs at Autogenica, which has Been Renamed of late (we Cannot Recall, did we Inform anyone of this?) to Lady Disdain.

At any rate, there are New Items located in the upstairs: namely, Textures.

Having recently been Possessed of a Goodly Amount of Free Time (unwillingly, but there you go), your humble Sidekick has expanded into Textures. But not just any textures--no, I am no Great Artist, I am no Architect Divine. My province is fabric, oddity, and paper ephemera.

To wit, there are now Two Vendors selling individual Ragtime Sheet Music covers (for L$10 per texture) and Below can be Found two Boxes of Ragtime Sheet Music--all Twenty-Five in One Place for the sum of L$250.

On the Other side of the Upstairs, can be found Three Vendors; these Vendors offer scattered Architectural Images, Images of the Odd and Surreal, some limited Packaging Textures, and a selection of Madras Fabric Textures for the Summer Season.

Just go Upstairs to Lady Disdain; though soon, You will Also Find the two Ragtime Music Collections on XStreetSL.

I thank you. Do enjoy!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Fables Arrive for RFL

Dear Friends, it has been far too long since this journal has been updated with new content for your eyes to peruse. Let me be the first to rectify this with the announcement of the renaming of Kartiny above Autogenic Alchemy, and the two new gowns and shape released forthwith.


Fable Vio

Fable Vio, the original, is detailed in crushed purple velvet, with four simple corsets offered on jacket, shirt and undershirt layers, along with skirt and two styles of glitch pants to help with the two separate flexi skirts. This outfit comes with gloves, seamed tinted stockings and two separate styles of blouse, one with lace collar, and one without.

It is designed solely to benefit the RFL, and the suggested minimum donation is L$200.


Fable Bloo

Fable Bloo, another color that will only be offered for 2009's RFL, is detailed in crushed velvet as well, in a shade I am fairly reliably informed is "bloo". There are two, not four simple corsets offered on jacket, shirt and undershirt layers, along with skirt and two styles of glitch pants to help with the two separate flexi skirts. This outfit also comes with gloves, seamed tinted stockings and two separate styles of blouse, one with lace collar, and one without.

It is designed solely to benefit the RFL, and the suggested minimum donation is L$200.

Everything is fully moddable and copyable, no transfer, but you can transfer the box it comes in (at least, that's the hope, permissions being so tricky these days).

Anticipate future arrivals of Fable, but in vastly different shades.

Secondly, Hodge-Podge Shapes retains its name, and offers the second-ever shape release, and the first for nonhuman avatars:



The Tabbycat shape. Tabby is designed to be worn with neko skins, and she is designed primarily with the domesticated housecat firmly in mind: she is a plump purring bundle that shifts only so far as the sunbeam moves, and would prefer the mice are brought to her, please.

She is as rounded as the avatar mesh allows; her head and hands, to be comparable with her dimensions, are slightly larger than normal; this may need to be taken into account with wigs and prim nails. Her feet are not sized to scale; they retain their slider 0 positions, to better accommodate most SL shoemakers' designs.

She comes in two versions (with human ears, and with all the ear sliders minimized), and does not come with neko ears or tail, or neko skin. This is the shape only, retailing for L$125.

Go to Lady Disdain (in the same place that Kartiny occupied, naturally), above Autogenic Alchemy, to see them in person. Over the next month the upstairs will be redesigned and most if not all of the vendors remodeled. (It's in progress now.)

We thank you for your support. Have an excellent day.

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Coin-Operated Boy

It's not easy being a Scientist, you have experiments to run, universes to create, probabilities to collapse. Mucking about with the time space stream causes a lot of problems, you see. Sometimes you just forget what day it is, or month, or year...or epoch. This is why we have our faithful Chrono-witch, helping us out when we accidentally destroy the timeline. In summary, this post is nearing a Month late, for those of you with Linear Time Views, so I'm sorry. I do hope none of you have ceased to exist due to the glitches in time.

~ * ~

Throughout history, there has been no force nor emotion as praised, glorified, feared, and revolted as much as one. Love, that eternal bind between souls, that exerts itself upon us in so many varied ways. The love of siblings, of family, of friends, and of lovers. Love, no matter the number, is a worthy if not oft reviled emotion. So what of those with none?

Even at the beginning, I knew I had done grievous wrong to one of my most cherished creations. Though the Tinies were built, each in a pair at least, my first creation was not. She was designed and built to stand alone, through two iterations even. A clockwork consort eagerly awaiting the arms of you the customer, left by herself otherwise.

No, I say, no more shall I let such travesty stand, no more shall I let her while her life away waiting for the next pair of lips, or tender embrace. Though she will and always has been designed for such amour, I shall not let her remain alone. With such in mind I built in rapt fury, molding and reshaping the iron at my hands, engraving the metal with nerves of golden brass.

I created, as I do, another...

Cecil, the Clockwork Casanova. Lover, Brother, Friend, he is what he must be, or whatever the imagination craves. Love is, after all, a multi-faceted gem upon the spectrum of emotions, and I am not one to bind it into one narrow category or possibility. What is important, is that CiCi is no longer alone, and hopefully, with his introduction into the world, there will be others who too are not alone. Who find in him what they need for their heart.

Be well out there, and remember that love is many things, and that the future heralds a time when no one will truly be alone. There is, however, no reason that time cannot be now, with a CiCi, or a Cecil, at your side.

~ * ~

I bid you farewell now. Consider this a belated Anniversary Gift. One year of service that I've hoped you've all enjoyed. Also consider it a not so timely blush of that Holiday of February that I dare not name. In the end, whether one has someone or not, Love is something to be celebrated, not on any one day, but every day one has loved ones to do so. Time is shorter then you know it; trust me, I've seen it.