Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Fables Arrive for RFL

Dear Friends, it has been far too long since this journal has been updated with new content for your eyes to peruse. Let me be the first to rectify this with the announcement of the renaming of Kartiny above Autogenic Alchemy, and the two new gowns and shape released forthwith.


Fable Vio

Fable Vio, the original, is detailed in crushed purple velvet, with four simple corsets offered on jacket, shirt and undershirt layers, along with skirt and two styles of glitch pants to help with the two separate flexi skirts. This outfit comes with gloves, seamed tinted stockings and two separate styles of blouse, one with lace collar, and one without.

It is designed solely to benefit the RFL, and the suggested minimum donation is L$200.


Fable Bloo

Fable Bloo, another color that will only be offered for 2009's RFL, is detailed in crushed velvet as well, in a shade I am fairly reliably informed is "bloo". There are two, not four simple corsets offered on jacket, shirt and undershirt layers, along with skirt and two styles of glitch pants to help with the two separate flexi skirts. This outfit also comes with gloves, seamed tinted stockings and two separate styles of blouse, one with lace collar, and one without.

It is designed solely to benefit the RFL, and the suggested minimum donation is L$200.

Everything is fully moddable and copyable, no transfer, but you can transfer the box it comes in (at least, that's the hope, permissions being so tricky these days).

Anticipate future arrivals of Fable, but in vastly different shades.

Secondly, Hodge-Podge Shapes retains its name, and offers the second-ever shape release, and the first for nonhuman avatars:



The Tabbycat shape. Tabby is designed to be worn with neko skins, and she is designed primarily with the domesticated housecat firmly in mind: she is a plump purring bundle that shifts only so far as the sunbeam moves, and would prefer the mice are brought to her, please.

She is as rounded as the avatar mesh allows; her head and hands, to be comparable with her dimensions, are slightly larger than normal; this may need to be taken into account with wigs and prim nails. Her feet are not sized to scale; they retain their slider 0 positions, to better accommodate most SL shoemakers' designs.

She comes in two versions (with human ears, and with all the ear sliders minimized), and does not come with neko ears or tail, or neko skin. This is the shape only, retailing for L$125.

Go to Lady Disdain (in the same place that Kartiny occupied, naturally), above Autogenic Alchemy, to see them in person. Over the next month the upstairs will be redesigned and most if not all of the vendors remodeled. (It's in progress now.)

We thank you for your support. Have an excellent day.